Family History

First Generation

Joseph and Frances (Gdanietz) Golla.

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Second Genertion

Children of Joseph and Frances Golla.  Includes Golla, Shivie, Orsie, Hawk, Stojek, and Lesneski families.

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Third and Subsequent Generations

Grandchildren and subsequent descendants of Joseph and Frances Golla.  Includes Golla, Shivie, Dixon, Danner, Puschar, Schelinberger, Mancuso, Cuba, Meme, Orsie, Gurneau, Batts, Mass, Healy, Mitcheltree, Hawk, Metz, Bullers, Stojek / Stoyek, Kovach, Lesneski, Hottendorf, Tiffany, Neal, Kemp, Hetrick, Thompson, and Hickey families.

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Other Golla Families

I will post information about other Golla families (not direct descendants of Joseph and Frances) as I become aware of it.

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